Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Showmanship Clinic Well-Attended

We had a good turn out for the recent showmanship clinic. It was a mixture of members and guests and children and adults who learned alot at the clinic. After some exercises and discussion about proper form and position, the participants did some drills to polish their presentation. I know we will see all of these future showmanship stars at the next horse show! Click here to see pictures from the clinic!

Special thanks to Gayward Hendry and Robert Bond for donating their time and fuel to prepare the arena for the event. Also thanks for the time donated by our instructor!

August Meeting Stresses Safety

We had a great August meeting. Guest speaker, Capt. Jason Boree from Clay County Fire Rescue spoke with members about first aid for injured riders. Capt. Boree addressed the common injuries that he has seen during his years with the county. We should always have a plan and let someone know when we are going on a trail ride and when we expect to return. In the event of an injury, we learned some simple first aid procedures and stabilizing the injured person until the paramedics arrive. Click here to see pictures from the meeting!

We had a special prize drawing for a bag of horse treats and sold tickets for the 50/50 drawing. A good turn out made it an exciting evening and we look forward to all of the events for the new year!