Our October meeting was a great success. Jennings Forest Rangers Frank Burley and Beth Smith joined us and gave an educational presentation about the recreational opportunities at Jennings Forest. LARA members submitted volunteer applications so that we can participate in future trail development and maintaining and upgrading existing horse trails. We learned that two new trail heads are planned for Jennings Forest, one of which will be open by the end of this year. The rangers are working on getting our applications processed so that we can assist with the initial trail development at the first trail head.
To add fun to our meetings, we are giving away raffle items and selling 50/50 tickets. Carol Wells was the raffle winner and got a bottle of show sheen and Traci Woodard won the 50/50 pot. Everyone is excited about the cooler weather and we look forward to getting out and blazing new trails in Jennings. Stay tuned for more info on this project.
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