LARA will hold our 3rd annual obstacle challenge February 11th at Kenyon Ranch on Thunder Road in Middleburg. There will be in-hand and under saddle classes for both youth and adult competitors. You are welcome to enter in-hand and under saddle classes if you want more opportunity to show your horse's skills. Entry fees have not increased since last year... LARA members pay $20 and non-members pay $25 per class(PRE-ENTRY INCLUDES LUNCH!!) Plenty of raffle prizes and fun give-aways for your enjoyment. Bring your own chairs and all horses and mules must have a current negative coggin's. email khladyfish@comcast.net or twoodard@stellar.net for more info.
LARA members - this is a big event for us every year and your volunteer services are appreciated. Contact Lisa to find out how YOU can help! assorted Obstacles are available for practice (members only) at the arena.
click here for entry form1
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