Wednesday, October 17, 2012


This is one of the favorite events for both the club and participants. Please make plans to join us at Kenyon Ranch in Middleburg on November 3rd for our fall obstacle challenge. Lots have things have changed since the spring challenge.  There will be two courses - one for in-hand and one for riders. Each course will have separate judges to speed things along. Pre-entry has its benefits, as you will get to pick the time you want to compete.  Also - if you pre-pay you get a free lunch! Now how can you beat that deal?

Also different this time - we will have awards for SIX places in all divisions. Everyone always works so hard and we want to recognize your efforts beyond first and second place. New obstacles too! Bubbles, water, bridges, yabba dabba do... it's all fun and we want you to join us!

Of course there will be good food and give-aways plus a raffle drawing for a very nice hand-made saddle rack, compliments of Bill Muller.

The LARA arena is set up with a nice assortment of obstacles. Current paid members are welcome to come and practice any time. We have lights so you can come after work and ride til bedtime! For those of you who want an intense practice session, the Woodard's will have a course set up on Oct 28th from noon until 4PM. Cost is $20 per person to practice ($10 for kids!). Contact Traci Woodard to sign up (limited to 20 participants.) (

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